Children, Families and Young People

“90% of your child's brain growth happens before the age of 5.” NHS Better Health

From pregnancy, birth and the early weeks of life to starting school and help in navigating the demanding transition to adulthood, we are there to offer advice, guidance and support..

What we do

Our services offer every family across Hull and East Yorkshire a programme of screening tests, immunisations, developmental reviews and guidance for children up to five years to support parenting and healthy choices.

From school and through to adulthood our services promote and protect health and wellbeing and enable young people to enjoy life and reach their full potential.

Our Children’s therapies in Hull and East Yorkshire support the physical and communications needs of children and young people so they can develop their skills to their full potential.

Services include

  • Health Visiting

  • Child Health Clinics

  • Immunisations

  • Feeding Support

  • School nurses

  • Puberty & Growing Up Talks

  • Speech & Language Therapy

  • Physiothapy

  • Occupational therapy

How you can help


could provide models to demonstrate breastfeeding to new mums.


could provide seeds and tools for a school gardening project.


could provide a tablet to for our Speech and Language Therapy Service to support a young person’s treatment.
Make a Donation

Patient & Visitor Stories

Read more about how your support really makes a difference to children, young people and families.