Donate today

Health Stars is so grateful for all the support we received. You can donate through our Just Giving page. Donations can be for a particular area or ward or towards supporting a particular wish you are passion about. Please contact us for more information or click the link below.

What we support

  • Mindfulness resources for teens and young people

  • Gardening equipment for allotment groups

  • Artwork and Murals

  • Comfortable waiting rooms

  • Christmas gifts for isolated patients

  • Dementia friendly support

  • Plants to help Learning Disability Groups become more active outdoors

  • Plus much, much more

Upcoming Events

Circle of Wishes is your opportunity to make a wish for something you'd like to see in one of the Trust's many services. Anyone can make a wish... Patients, their families, or staff and we'll do our best to bring them to reality.

So far we have been able to support over 200 projects

As a local charity, we rely on the support of businesses, community groups and the generosity of our friends and neighbours. Generous donations and wonderful fundraising efforts help us improve services for patients and their loved one who are looked after by the amazing staff who work for Humber Teaching NHS Foundation Trust.

Previous wishes

Circle of Wishes is your opportunity to make a wish for something you'd like to see in one of the Trust's many services. Anyone can make a wish... Patients, their families, or staff and we'll do our best fo bring them to reality.