Mental Health in-patient unit for region's young people.

Mental Health in-patient unit for region's young people.

Health Stars was proud to play a key part in supported the children’s and adolescent mental health inpatient unit serving the young people of Hull, East Riding of Yorkshire, North Lincolnshire and North East Lincolnshire, which opened in Jan 2020.

Inspire, based on Walker Street, Hull includes nine general adolescent beds and four Psychiatric Intensive Care beds for young people with severe and complex mental health difficulties. The in-patients unit treats young people struggling with a wide range of mental health issues such as depression, severe anxiety, psychosis and eating disorders providing a comprehensive recovery focussed treatment approach and education programme.

Inspire marks a national step-change in Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) delivery as a service that has been shaped with young people at its heart. Young people and their families were involved in each stage of the building from identifying a suitable location, designing interiors and developing the best practice and services that will be used during treatment.

Health Stars raised over £300,000 through their Impact Appeal which has been used to enhance the unit with special touches and enhanced features. Funds raised have provided everything from enhanced gardens to gaming equipment and a fully equipped gym to allow occupational therapists to work with young people through art, exercise and more. Health Stars also ran a public competition to name the unit, with the winning suggestion ‘Inspire’ been selected by a panel of young people.


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Above and beyond NHS core services, through the investment in people; environments; resources; training and research.